Integrasi pelayanan kesehatan tradisional dalam pelayanan kesehatan formal merupakan suatu program pemerintah utamanya Kementerian Kesehatan, melalui Bina Kestradkom sebagai leading pelayanan dan Badan Litbangkes sebagai leading penemuan evidence base, disertai dukungan seluruh unit kerja terkait di Kementerian Kesehatan dan unit kerja lain di Indonesia.
Dalam 5 tahun terakhir ber ...
read more > Jun 25, by admin | 9590 Views | 0 Comments20 items in the Registration Data Set
The minimum amount of trial information that must appear in a register in order for a given trial to be considered fully registered.
1. Primary Registry and Trial Identifying Number
Name of Primary Registry, and the unique ID number assigned by the Primary Registry to this trial.
2. Date of Registration in Primary Registry
Date when trial was officially registered in the Primary Registry.
3. Secondary Identifying Numbers
Other identifiers beside ...
Penderita Stroke Akan Didata
SEMARANG. KOMPAS - Mulai tahun 2013, penderita stroke akan didata melalui seluruh rumah sakit di Indonesia. Pendataan dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan angka penderita stroke secara riil, memetakan, dan menyusun strategi untuk memaksimalkan penanganan dan pencegahan.
"Kasus stroke di Indonesia seperti gunung es. Hanya sedikit yang muncul ke permukaan. Padahal, stroke menjadi penyebab kematian dan kecacatan nomor satu di Indonesia," kata Ketua II Pengurus Besar Perhimpunan ...
read more > Nov 26, by admin | 8044 Views | 0 CommentsWhile many countries struggle with the consequences and problems of communicable diseases, chronic noncommunicable diseases are on the rise. In addition to being a major cause of death, many surviving stroke patients are disabled and need help in activities of daily living, which must be provided by family members, the health system, or other social institutions.
Lack of data on stroke from many countries hampers efficient coordination of stroke prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. Due to ...
read more > Nov 21, by admin | 8568 Views | 0 Comments
A patient registry is an organized system that uses observational study methods to collect uniform data (clinical and other) to evaluate specified outcomes for a population defined by a particular disease, condition, or exposure, and that serves one or more predetermined scientific, clinical, or policy purposes.
A registry database is a file (or files) derived from the registry. Although registries can serve many purposes: to describe the natur ...
read more > Nov 21, by admin | 9358 Views | 0 CommentsThe WHO STEPwise approach to stroke surveillance
Nov 21, by admin | 8568 Views | 0 CommentsIndonesia Clinical Research Registry
Dec 01, by admin | 30470 Views | 0 CommentsKOMPAS, Kamis, 22 November 2012
Nov 26, by admin | 8044 Views | 0 CommentsAbout Us | Sitemap | Contact Us© Copyright 2012. Balitbangkes