Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to improve Quality of Life in People with Methamphetamine Use Disorder

Tahapan Penelitian : Recruit
Mitra Pelaksana:
Not Specified
No Registry
Tanggal Input Registry : 20-01-2025

For patient management by looking at the quality of life in patients with methamphetamine use disorder
For patient management by assess the level of readiness to change related to methamphetamine
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to improve Quality of Life in People with Methamphetamine Use Disorder
Effectiveness of Group Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to improve Quality of Life in People with Methamphetamine Use Disorder
This study uses an experimental quantitative research design by using a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) research design with non-blinding. Sampling is based on consecutive sampling where all subjects who meet the inclusion criteria are selected sequentially until the required sample size is met then randomization is carried out using a computer so that it is divided into 2 groups, Group I gets CBT intervention Group which is hereinafter referred to as Group I and Control group that does not get CBT Group hereinafter referred to as Group II. Both groups continue to receive Community Therapy as a routine program at the Rehabilitation Unit at the hospital.

Inclusion Criteria:

Age 18-59 years, Diagnosis of mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of methamphetamine as the main substance with a minimum use period of 1 year at the time of the study, Willing to be a research subject, URICA Scale in the preparation phase.

Exclusion Criteria:

Being in a state of intoxication, psychotic symptoms that affect the thought process, mental retardation.
Not applicable
Not applicable
dr. Nur Aida, Sp.KJ