Efektivitas model optimalisasi tumbuh kembang bayi prematur berbasis buku KIA terhadap self efficacy ibu, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi prematur

Tahapan Penelitian : Initial
Mitra Pelaksana:
No Registry
Tanggal Input Registry : 05-06-2024

mother's self effication, infant's growth ang development
Efektivitas model optimalisasi tumbuh kembang bayi prematur berbasis buku KIA terhadap self efficacy ibu, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi prematur
Efektivitas model optimalisasi tumbuh kembang bayi prematur berbasis buku KIA terhadap self efficacy ibu, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi prematur
The intervention phase begins with randomization. Researchers will assign participants to the intervention group or control group according to the randomization results. Researchers will measure the mother's self-efficacy before receiving intervention. The intervention will take place in the hospital and at the participant's home. The intervention at the hospital took the form of an explanation given by the nurse to the mother of a premature baby about caring for a premature baby using the book MCH for Small Babies. Explanation of material on caring for premature babies will be divided into three sessions. Each session takes place on each mother's visit on a different day. After receiving the explanation, mothers will be given the opportunity to ask questions and practice the skills that have been explained. In the third session the researcher will again measure the mother's self-efficacy using the Indonesian version of the PMP-SE. After completing the third session, data collection will continue at the participant's home when the baby is allowed to go home. The hospital nurse will inform the premature baby's discharge plan via WAG social media. Community nurses who are members of the WAG will respond to information by planning visits as a post-hospitalization intervention. This post-hospitalization intervention will last four sessions, namely the first visit in the first week of discharge, the 2nd visit in the third week of discharge, the 3rd visit in the seventh week of discharge and the final 4th visit in the twelfth week of the premature baby's discharge. At each visit, researchers will provide education to mothers about caring for premature babies at home. Researchers will measure the mother's self-efficacy, baby's weight, baby's body length and baby's head circumference. The measurement results will be documented in the research logbook and the MCH book for Small Babies. On the fourth visit, the researcher will convey that the data collection process has been completed so that the mother's participation has been completed

Inclusion Criteria:

The researcher determined the inclusion criteria for the sample of mothers as follows: (1) Mothers who gave birth to premature babies lived in the DKI Jaya area, (2) Mothers were willing to participate in this research, (3) Mothers were able to communicate in Indonesian, (4) Mothers were able to read , (5) Mother has a communication device such as a cell phone. Researchers determined the inclusion criteria for the sample of babies as follows: (1) Babies born at 28 to 37 weeks' gestation or the subcategories of very preterm and moderate to late preterm premature babies, (2) Babies who are stable are characterized by being able to maintain normal body temperature. when outside the incubator, able to maintain oxygen saturation >90% without breathing apparatus, and able to breastfeed without cardiorespiratory problems.

Exclusion Criteria:

The researcher determined the exclusion criteria for the sample of mothers as follows: (1) Mothers experienced decreased consciousness, (2) Mothers had a history of mental health disorders, (3) Mothers consumed psychotropic drugs, (4) Mothers returned to their place of origin outside the area. DKI Jakarta The researcher determined the exclusion criteria for baby respondents as follows: (1) The baby was taken home to the parent's area of ​​origin outside the DKI Jakarta area, (2) The baby died before the research was completed
Not applicable
Not applicable
Herlina Herlina