Implementing a Combination of Clinical Parameters (Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs), Biomarkers, and Standard of Care Procedures (SoCs) for the Etiology Diagnoses of Pneumonia in Pediatric Patients to Improve Clinical Management in Indonesia.

Tahapan Penelitian : Recruit
Mitra Pelaksana:
Indonesia Research Partnership on Infectious Disease (INA-RESPOND)
No Registry
Tanggal Input Registry : 08-11-2017

Develop the algorithm for the diagnosis of viral and bacterial pathogens in pediatric patients with pneumonia by identified pathogens from each clinical diagnosis
- The etiology of pneumonia in children in Indonesia expressed in percentages of enrolled subjects - Report the outcomes of pediatric patients with pneumonia in Indonesia. - Sensitivities and specificities of selected RDTs, biomarkers of bacterial infections, standard of care procedures and the gold standars in determining the causes ofin differentiating virus and bacterial infections in pneumonia. - Sensitivities and specificities of combined tests in differentiating virus and bacterial infections in pneumonia. - Report the strains of circulating respiratory viruses and pathogens in children.
Implementing a Combination of Clinical Parameters (Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs), Biomarkers, and Standard of Care Procedures (SoCs) for the Etiology Diagnoses of Pneumonia in Pediatric Patients to Improve Clinical Management in Indonesia.
Implementing a Combination of Clinical Parameters (Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs), Biomarkers, and Standard of Care Procedures (SoCs) for the Etiology Diagnoses of Pneumonia in Pediatric Patients to Improve Clinical Management in Indonesia.
Not Applicable, this is observational study

Inclusion Criteria:

• Pediatric inpatients whose ages range from 2 months to 5 years • Meet the case definition for pneumonia which is cough or fever with at least one other following symptoms: - Shortness of breath - Tachypnea - Grunting - Crackles/rhonchi - Decreased vesicular breath sound - Bronchial breath sound - Chest x-ray consistent with pneumonia • Comply with all study procedures including to store required specimens for diagnostic testing and archiving.

Exclusion Criteria:

• Being Hospitalized for more than 24 hours at enrollment • Having a cancer or history of cancer • Having a history of long term exposed of steroid (at the minimum of 2 months) • Having any condition that might interfere with study procedure and compliance (based on clinicians’ judgement)
Number: 567/UN2.F1/ETIK/2017
Dr. Herman Kosasih, PhD