Education Model for Medication Adherence in Essential Hypertension Patients

Tahapan Penelitian : Initial
Mitra Pelaksana:
No Registry
Tanggal Input Registry : 03-09-2024

Knowledge, self-efficacy, and medication adherence (mean and standard deviation)
Education Model for Medication Adherence in Essential Hypertension Patients
The Influence of the Health Belief Model-Based Medication Adherence Education Model on Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Medication Adherence in Essential Hypertension Patients in Majalengka Regency
Before the intervention, subjects were invited to the posbindu or health center to be given an explanation of the objectives, benefits, risks, and procedures in this study. The intervention given to the subjects in the treatment group was in the form of education to improve knowledge, self-efficacy, and compliance in taking antihypertensive medication in patients with essential hypertension. Education was arranged in the form of an independent learning module that could be accessed by the subjects via their mobile phones. The independent learning module was arranged digitally based on Android. Subjects were guided to download the learning module via their respective mobile phones. Subjects accessed the learning module (sessions 1-5) anywhere and anytime according to the subjects' convenience, but in one day the subjects accessed and studied 1 (one) session of material for ±5 (five) minutes. The education module was accessed and studied independently by the subjects in the treatment group for 6 (six) sessions with the following details: Session 1 was given on day 1, subjects studied material on the definition, symptoms and signs of hypertension sufferers; Session 2 was given on day 2, subjects studied material on the vulnerability and severity of hypertension sufferers who did not take antihypertensive medication; Session 3 was given on day 3, subjects studied material on the benefits and obstacles of hypertension sufferers who took antihypertensive medication; Session 4 was given on day 4, subjects studied material on motivation to increase their self-confidence in taking antihypertensive medication; Session 5 was given on day 5, subjects studied material on the time and how to take antihypertensive medication, schedule for taking antihypertensive medication, where to take antihypertensive medication, who and where to look for information on hypertension treatment. Session 6 was conducted after subjects finished accessing the material on days 1-5, in session 6 subjects were invited to attend a meeting at the posbindu or health center. The meeting aimed to monitor the completeness of material access and the subject's knowledge of the educational material (days 1-5). Monitoring access to the material was done by asking the subject directly about the sessions they attended, while monitoring the achievements was done by having the subject fill out an electronic questionnaire that was integrated with the module on their mobile phone. The educational material that was accessed in 5 (five) sessions was repeated to be accessed again by the subject 4 times.

Inclusion Criteria:

The inclusion criteria for the subjects were at least 15 years old, recorded in the outpatient registration book of the health center, had at least 1 return visit (control) to the health center, and had and were able to use an Android mobile phone.

Exclusion Criteria:

Subject exclusion criteria were female hypertension sufferers who were pregnant, had cognitive disorders, were unwilling to be subjects.
Not applicable
Not applicable