Uji Perbandingan Kualitas Obat Selvim® 10 (Simvastatin 10 mg) dengan Obat Standar Zocor® 10 ( Simvastatin 10 mg)

Tahapan Penelitian : Complete
Mitra Pelaksana:
Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences Laboratories, Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada
No Registry
Tanggal Input Registry : 10-10-2024

The Cmax value of Selvim® 10 (Simvastatin 10 mg) was 10.63 ± 1.68 ng/mL and the Cmax value of Zocor® 10 (Simvastatin 10 mg) was 11.40 ± 1.63 ng/mL. The ratio of (Cmax)T/(Cmax)R value of both products was 93.06%.
The area under curve (AUC0-t) of Selvim® 10 (Simvastatin 10 mg) was 46.32 ± 7.45 ng.hour/mL and the AUC0-t of Zocor® 10 (Simvastatin 10 mg) was 46.46 ± 7.97 ng.hour/mL. The ratio of (AUC0-t)T/(AUC0-t)R was 100.82%.
Uji Perbandingan Kualitas Obat Selvim® 10 (Simvastatin 10 mg) dengan Obat Standar Zocor® 10 ( Simvastatin 10 mg)
Bioequivalence Study of Selvim® 10 mg (Simvastatin 10 mg) Caplet Produced by PT IFARS Pharmaceutical Laboratories Compared with Zocor® 10 mg (Simvastatin 10 mg) Tablet Produced by Organon Pharma (UK) Limited

Inclusion Criteria:

- Healthy subjects, with healthy criteria based on clinical laboratory tests which include liver function, renal function, routine blood test, urine analysis, medical history, and physical examination. - The blood pressure and heart rate are acceptable (systolic blood pressure of 100-120 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure of 60-80 mmHg, and heart rate of 60-90 bpm). - The result of the ECG examination is acceptable. - The result of HCV serology must be negative. - The result of serological tests for Hepatitis B (HBsAg) and HIV (anti-HIV) must be negative. - The result of rapid antigen COVID-19 test must be negative. - Men and women. - Age is between 18 - 44 years. - Weight is within a normal range that follows the formula: BMI = Weight (kg) / Height2 (m) = 18 - 25 - Currently not using any medication in a week before the study. - Willing to participate in the study by signing an informed consent form.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Pregnant and breastfeeding women - Having a contraindication or an allergy to simvastatin - Having the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol - Using the contraceptive pills - Having a history of drug and alcohol dependence - Having a medical history that may affect the pharmacokinetics of the tested drug, such as gastrointestinal chronic diseases, diarrhea, gastric surgery, kidney failure, liver dysfunction, and cardiovascular disease. - Participating in another clinical trial within 3 months before the study. - Donating or losing 300 mL (or more) of blood within 3 months before the study.
Not applicable
PPUK/PPUB number
Hanifah Ratna Yuliani, S.Si.