Comparison of topical permethrin 5% alone against combination oral ivermectin and topical permethrin 5% on managing endemic scabies in Surakarta boarding school: A double blind randomized control trial

Tahapan Penelitian : Complete
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Tanggal Input Registry : 27-12-2024

Number of cured and not cured patient
Comparison of topical permethrin 5% alone against combination oral ivermectin and topical permethrin 5% on managing endemic scabies in Surakarta boarding school: A double blind randomized control trial
Comparison of topical permethrin 5% alone against combination oral ivermectin and topical permethrin 5% on managing endemic scabies in Surakarta boarding school: A double blind randomized control trial
"Topical permethrin 5%", "Topical permetrhin 5%, Oral ivermectin 12 mg"

Inclusion Criteria:

Participants must be students residing in a boarding school, age range from 13 to 18 years old, weight exceeding 25 kg, diagnosed of scabies based on meeting at least 3 out of 4 criteria = nocturnal pruritus; family history of similar illness or similar illness observed among roommates; clinical demonstration of burrows; presence of scabies lesions at classical sites; the clinical manifestation may be supported by laboratory findings, such as the demonstration of mite and/or mite products in skin scrappings from classical sites using light microscopy after incubation in 10% KOH or burrow lesion identification with dermoscopy examination, willing to participate in the study demonstrated by written informed consent from both the participant and their guardian/caregiver

Exclusion Criteria:

healthy students, student diagnosed with other dermatoses, had a history of immune deficiency diseases, presence of crusted scabies, history of recent anti-scabietic agent, known hypersensitivity to ivermectin
Not applicable
Not applicable
Registry number: 62863902023